Preventing Skin Cancer

Prevention and Screening

The best-known risk factor of malignant melanoma is exposure to ultraviolet rays, especially intense and repeatedly for short periods. The role of exposure in childhood has recently been highlighted. Prevention is to avoid sun exposure during the hottest hours of the day, to protect the skin with protective clothing and / or sunscreen creams. These tips are mainly for clear skin subjects, little bronzer or not, especially if they are carriers of multiple nevi or dysplastic nevus syndrome.

Early detection of melanoma can treat tumors at a stage when their early treatable stage.

Clinical observation and photography of subjects’ at risk is advised.

Prevention of melanoma requires:

  • Limiting pollution that reduces air photoprotection
  • Informing people about the risks of solar radiation
  • A well individual understanding of photoprotection for every skin type
  • And finally the screening of individuals at high risk for melanoma.

Pay attention:

  • A brown or black spot on the skin that changes (in size, shape, color, contour) in a few weeks or months out of childhood, needed a quick reference;
  • No one is better placed than himself or his relatives to watch his skin;
  • Remove a suspicious mole is a simple gesture and safe; It is better to remove before it becomes too late;
  • If a family member has presented a melanoma or if the subject is carrying a lot of flat moles, wider than a pencil in diameter, it is predisposed to developing melanoma;

As the number of moles, the skin and hair are clear, the greater the risk of developing melanoma is high. This risk is higher as exposure to sun was important.