Polyclinique Centre-Ville


A facelift is a surgical procedure that helps tighten the loose tissues of the face and neck. Judiciously placed incisions are used to discreetly remove excess skin and fat, in order to correct sagging of the face and neck.


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This procedure allows rejuvenating your face and giving it a smooth harmonious contour. This procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia depending on the agreement between you and the surgeon. Recovery is between one to two weeks. However, intense exercise needs to be avoided for one month.

It is increasingly common to offer a “mini lift” as an alternative to a traditional facelift. In the “mini lift” dissection is more limited, recovery is shorter and bruises are almost unnoticeable. This possibility can be addressed to your surgeon. For further information, please contact the Polyclinique Centre-Ville.